
I need an Uninterruptible Power Supply… For my Laptop

Yes you’ve heard me, I need one for my laptop. Please don’t judge me.

You may be thinking “Wtf man, that’s a laptop! Laptops don’t need a UPS!” Well of course they don’t but this junk pile of a work laptop that’s been ‘temporarily’ issued to me has a damaged battery. So damaged that if my laptop gets unplugged; *poof* dead. And it happens quite often at work.

My work experience in a nutshell

Thank God for WordPress’ autosave function, but let’s say the internet goes down like most of the time here. So goodbye to your 30 minutes to 1 hour of work progress? I think not!

If I can’t get a battery replacement, or even a laptop replacement. Guess I gotta bring my own Uninterruptible Power Supply in the office here in the Philippines. Though mine at home is already decommissioned *salute*, I might buy one if it meant not losing my progress.

This is more of common sense than a lifehack really. They can’t issue a battery so fuck it; I’ll get a UPS instead. Waste of money? I don’t think so. This may have some use if I decide to bring it home permanently. This laptop’s pretty old anyway so I think it’s a sane decision given that I’ve no other options.


UPS for equipment protection and as a Failsafe? Is it viable? And do you need it?

This thing is basically a desktop now so it’s pretty safe to do. Not confident with the port or the plug as it may give up real soon. Though what always happens is that it gets unplugged off the extension cord whenever someone moves stuff so I gotta be extra cautious.

Now if you don’t know what a UPS is, it’s basically a backup battery and don’t confuse it with inverters. A UPS switches instantly when the power’s out and an inverter takes time to switch to Alternating Current when there’s no power.

This is a UPS

UPSes are mostly used on sensitive equipment and that above is one good reason to own one. Especially if your tasks are critical and time consuming. You’ll see these mostly around data centers and mostly system admins are the ones using these to make sure that in an event of a power outage, they can safely shut down equipment.

That’s mostly it but surely you can use it in lieu of a voltage regulator or a surge protector. When buying something, make the most out of it so there’s no waste.

Well, gonna get one maybe next week. I really need one.

How about you guys? Any office woes you’d like to share or any solutions to work related technical problems? Comment down below.


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